My Books

How to Read the Bible With Your Strengths

A Guide to Reading, Understanding, and Enjoying the Bible

Are you new to reading the Bible? Have you tried to read the Bible but found it boring or hard to understand? Have you wondered why you even need to read the Bible? Do you wonder where to start reading?

I struggled with all these questions and more! I am not a pastor, a preacher, or a Bible scholar. For years, I never touched my Bible. Then, I figured out how to consistently read the Bible and love doing it every day. Now, I have read through the entire Bible many times.

I want to show you the secret to reading, understanding, and loving the Bible.

That secret is the power of Gallup’s CliftonStrengths®. More than thirty million people have taken this assessment to become better employees, salespeople, leaders, managers, husbands, wives, students, teachers, and parents! As a Gallup-certified CliftonStrengths® coach with more than twenty years of experience studying CliftonStrengths® and coaching countless numbers of people, I have figured out how you can unlock the power of Strengths to learn how to read the Bible!

So bring this book to the checkout line and—wait, does anyone even do that anymore? Hit the checkout button and buy this book now!

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Free Resource Downloads

Worksheet: My Top Five Talent Themes

Quick Reference: Strengths-Based Bible Reading